"1967, when iconic director David Lynch was still a student at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts when he experiences an epiphany while working on a dark painting of a garden."
About this book
1967, when iconic director David Lynch was still a student at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts when he experiences an epiphany while working on a dark painting of a garden. He senses movement from the painting within, and that is how his career as a filmmaker begins, burrowing deep into the subconscious, conjuring images and sounds. This massive hardcover book contains photographic reproductions of all known artworks by David Lynch from the 1960s to 2000s. It is like opening a treasure trove of 30 years worth of drawings, doodles, random notes, ideas, quotes, diner’s napkins, and old phone messages. Most of the pieces are reproduced in their actual size. An insight in to how his films were influenced by his art.